
I’m teaching various courses around Wellington in 2024

Washes & Edges Workshop

Learn the core techniques of watercolour and create images of landscapes, still life, and people in the landscape. Watercolour is all about control of the water on the brush, the pigment in your palette and the dampness of the paper. Only practice will guarantee good control of these elements. To make that practice fun we will use vibrant colours and make beautiful edges and washes to build up the colours. Explore the wet into wet techniques making big wet areas in your paintings. 

Artist Charlotte Hird teaching at Inverlochy

Watercolour Basics at CEC Wellington High 2024

31 July / 7/14/21 August 7.30pm – 9.30pm Watercolour Basics
13/20/27 Nov. and 4 Dec. 5.30 – 7.30pm or 7.30pm – 9.30pm Watercolour Basics

Thursday ART Watercolours with Charlotte at Wellington Art Club

6/13/20/27 June 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm
1/8/15/22 August 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm
14/21/28 Nov. 5 December 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm
$60 for 8 hours of watercolour painting tuition and fun. Charlotte supplies beginners with a basic kit to get started – inclusive in the price. Bookings open for June 2024.

Chooks in the City 2024

23 March and 2 November Chooks in the City at CEC Wellington High
9.30am -12.30pm Saturday morning.
Learn all about keeping chickens in the city, meet Dolly – the friendly chicken and enjoy some egg sandwiches for morning tea.